Oakflesh was a nursling treant, they had seen maybe 3 or 4 springs. They stood just over a meter tall and had a crown of just a few small twigs; leaves still adorned them despite fall's approach. They were fortunate enough to have had a quiet life so far; steady and healthy growth was important to a young treant. Critters and insects alike had already enjoyed the treant's company, though to most it was a matter of survival rather than pleasure. Their little trunk was not suited for anything bigger than an insect and they could offer neither shade nor sustenance for now. Tiny eyes had started to develop not too long ago and were only just visible; it was easy to mistake the treant for a regular tree. Their arms were slim and swayed gently in the wind. They were too weak to lift; it'd be a while before they could be used for anything. The beginning of legs had become visible; for now the little treant stayed put. Today the treant remained motionless in fertile grounds full of sunshine in which they could grow further