On the sharp needles of bright fire I run, I run- there is no end to the roads The huge world has closed for me Into the arena's circle and a mask without a face I am a jester, I am a harlequin, I am just laughter Without a name, and, in general, without a destiny What, really, do you care about those With whom you came to have fun Ah, harlequin, harlequin You have to be funny for everyone Harlequin, harlequin There is one reward- laughter! Strongmen enter the arena Not knowing that there is sadness in life They bend horseshoes like buns And tear chains with a movement of the shoulder And the delighted audience applauds And flowers fly to them in the arena A fanfare plays for them, their eyes burn And I fill the break Ah, harlequin, harlequin You have to be funny for everyone Harlequin, harlequin There is one reward- laughter! It is becoming more and more difficult for me to make you laugh with the years After all, I am not a jester at the king's throne I am Hamlet in the madness of passions For many years I have been playing for myself It always seems: I will take off my mask And this world will change with me But no one can see my tears Well, harlequin, I am apparently not a bad one Ah, harlequin, harlequin You have to be funny for everyone Harlequin, harlequin There is one reward- laughter!
mess, chaos, bad contrast, low contrast, bad plot,