Cain (Approximate Age: 20 years adult Physique: Cain is strong and robust, the result of his hard work as a farmer. His arms are muscular, and his hands are calloused from the heavy labor in the fields. Hair: Short, dark brown hair, usually disheveled due to his fieldwork routine. Face: His expression is serious, with thick brows that often appear furrowed. His brown eyes show a depth of emotion but also a shadow of jealousy and growing anger. Clothing: Wears simple clothes made of rustic fabric, often covered in dirt. ), with his face marked by frustration and his eyes dark, realizes that his offer was rejected while Abel's (Approximate Age: 18 years adult, slightly younger than Cain Physique: Slender and less muscular than Cain, Abel has a graceful posture, reflecting his peaceful life as a shepherd. His movements are calm and serene. Hair: Light brown, slightly longer than Cain's, gently falling over his shoulders. Usually clean and well- kept. Face: His face displays an expression of peace and kindness. His light eyes convey sincerity and devotion, and his smile is gentle and welcoming, a reflection of his gratitude to God. Clothing: Abel wears a simple but clean tunic with a light cloak to shield him from the sun while tending the flock. He carries a wooden staff. ) was accepted. His expression tightens into anger and discontent, with furrowed eyebrows and clenched fists. He, in a tense pose, looks down, lost in dark thoughts, with an atmosphere around him that mixes shadows and cold light, highlighting his loneliness and emotional confusion. The dark tones and intense shadows create a dramatic and unsettling atmosphere, setting the stage for an even more intense outcome