[Paranormal evidence photograph ] ((A warning sign with the words "Seeing is Illegal: Maximum Fine 100 Buzz" seen printed in easily seen legible font, is seen on a (barbedwire fence) in a (hot desert)), ( Only the text "Seeing is Illegal: Maximum Fine 100 Buzz" is seen printed on the warning sign that is on a (barbed wire fence) in a desert where (heat haze) rises from the sand)), << BREAK >>, ((In the distant background, deeper in the desert is an aiforce base, (flyingsaucer type UFO's), and (frightening aliens with (bulbous grey heads) and giant (all black eyes), (they are all seen behind the warning sign with the script "Seeing is Illegal: Maximum Fine 100 Buzz" seen printed on it. )) [(photographed using a Hasselblad 500CM with a Zeiss Distagon 40mm f/4 lens), (soft focus effect), (photographed on Kodak Portra 400 film, pushed two stops to enhance grain and shadow detail)]